Thinking about how things are seen, scene…

scene, this — ?

the seen, the seeing, the scene?


tableau, go.

I was studying this modeling, and collided with, again, Tableau.

When I go back, thinking about the beginnings of visualizing information, and the first time — decades ago — I met Edward Tufte, (speaking of Human brands, he’s one to be at the top of the register in terms of thinking about how information can be visualized) I go back to the heart of the work — the practice of brand, story, design. That is, as a designer, it’s always about that practice — how do you tell a story in the context of visuals, that are informational, that galvanize a drama, a telling, that emotionally can catalyze understanding.

I think it’s visualized like this:

When I think about information, and the display of it, I think about an “tableau” of content that is simple, quickly comprehensible, arraying a new way of seeing that suggests the balanced interpretation of how things work. Or are working. Being in form, being “informed”, is about that — newly connected to the acquisition of content in a manner that brings you in.

Wandering around the edges of this community for some time, seeing the twitternation revelation, I was contemplating what lies beneath the consulting sphere of design; it is about beauty, about balance, about mystery, about storytelling.

But it’s a lot about informing — the visualizations of information, in a manner that brings the person into the sphere of the content — the continent of ideas — to learn, and explore, anew.

Stand under? Understand.

And in that, embracing change.