Finding the Right Word, Corporate Signatures and Tag Lines
Positioning a brand with the just right phrasing.

In studying the architecture of brands—first off, there’s a need to reach-in, right to the center of the proposition—soul placement. Where does the heart live?

What’s the offer of the brand, what does the brand stand for, and more crucially, “what’s the story, who’s telling it, to whom are they telling the story, and more critically—‘who cares’?”

That notion of caring rounds internally to the team that built the brand and more about the proposition to the consuming relationship. The community proposal is that there is some storytelling alignment between the experiencer and the key leverage of the brand offering. But it comes out to “who [and why would they] care?” Because it’s relevant to a state of being—potentially to needfulness, a state of requirement, and a person’s request for “that something” that will enrich their experience.

We see that signature as fulfilling this sequencing of needs expectations. Relevance walks to the idea that the brand has a foundational utility, it works for them. Then, how that brand is positioning its offer, towards resonance—the song of the brand sounds right. And then finally, that brand has the capacity of relationship embracement, there’s an openness that allows for community connectivity. We call that the R’s of branding.

So when you think about it, keys that are appropriate in defining that core message, it will come down to brevity, a succinct encapsulation of principle—that’s inward, inspirational and imaginatively compelling. It’s speaking to the high-point of strategy and the deep state of metaphorical need, the brand soul and of its connection to a human.

Walking this way, we examined this idea of key phrasing, as a set of energetic treatments, as in some of these visual references.

This being “just”—by a shoe manufacturer.
Finding the Right Word, Corporate Signatures and Tag Lines

Speaking of just—and a computer hardware manufacturer—
you could:
Finding the Right Word, Corporate Signatures and Tag Lines

Or, if you’re thinking, could it be—
slightly distinguished?
Finding the Right Word, Corporate Signatures and Tag Lines

And while you’re thinking,
you could, with a car-maker
Finding the Right Word, Corporate Signatures and Tag Lines

And that would be “just for you,”
and a popular drink, to
Finding the Right Word, Corporate Signatures and Tag Lines

Which would be, appropriately:
Finding the Right Word, Corporate Signatures and Tag Lines

And on that path, it would be—to a diamond broker:
Finding the Right Word, Corporate Signatures and Tag Lines

Finding the Right Word, Corporate Signatures and Tag Lines

And I’m thinking, you
Finding the Right Word, Corporate Signatures and Tag Lines

As you contemplate these, you’re looking for the
Finding the Right Word, Corporate Signatures and Tag Lines
as in another car “machine.”

Thinking of positioning, building your own, that would be—first, to the lean towards your customer and what they’re looking for—“what do you do that means something to your customer?” Second, in the depth of need state, how are you satisfying that proposition? “I can get that, that’s right for me [relevance,] this sounds right [resonance,] and I can buy-in to being part of this community, the people that are in, around, and supporting, this brand [relationship.]

As everyone knows, relationship—the word— has an origin story in Latin,
which is relatus, and it speaks toward
“to carry, as in a story.”

That would be key, again, “what’s the story [core proposition of the offer,] who’s telling it [brand stance in the voice,] who’s listening [audience,] and why should they embrace that proposition [authenticity?] Of course, you’ll need to be thinking—what is the landscape, the competitive playing field. Here’s another study on message tiering.

And if you’re ondering how this was done—
check out the reel of the drawings of these phrased segmentations.
Finding the Right Word, Corporate Signatures and Tag Lines

tsg | from oseanstudios
Onwards with the journey
Tim Girvin | Principal, Founder and Chief Creative Officer
GIRVIN | Strategic Branding & Design
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