Cut me up Cafe!  FAB!!!

Digital Dimension shop, Tokyo, Japan — from Fablab/Japan

Cut me up Cafe!  FAB!!!
Hiroya Tanaka & Chiaki Hayashi | Fabcafé / FabLab [co]founders and Fab[lab]Visionaries/p>

Cut me up Cafe!  FAB!!!

A CRAFTWORKS Café — collaborative, exploratory, experimental, “hack cultural.”

We’re thinking about, and writing on the idea of the hand, then the move to digital — and that interpretation of the hand — in outcomes and output. In an age of increasing mechanization — hands, human touch [however interpreted] become a differentiator.

A newly created [and just opened] digital craft café in Shibuya — Fab offers offers collaborative [DIWO / “do it with others”] craft and digital cutting know-how to take a customer’s drawings, to digital drafts, for conversion into newly dimensionalized cut renderings.

Cut me up Cafe!  FAB!!!

FAB: a more contraction of the word fabulous, (from fable) — and the less-obvious contraction of the word, fabrication.

Check out the video: Fab café, just opened on March 7th, comes with a laser cutter which, for a fee, anyone can use.

All you need to bring is an Adobe illustrator vector file, which you plug in to the cutter — it does the work – in paper, felt, acrylic, wood and other materials too. Pricing to use the machine is a bit steep, but not outrageous: 2000 yen to share the machine with up to 3 people for 30 minutes. It will cost you 5000 yen if you want the machine to yourself.

FabCafe is operated by Loftwork, a digital media production company that seeks to collaborate with a network of designers. For this project they hired Naruse-Inokuma Architects to design the café.

Cut me up Cafe!  FAB!!!
Cut me up Cafe!  FAB!!!
Cut me up Cafe!  FAB!!!
Cut me up Cafe!  FAB!!!
Cut me up Cafe!  FAB!!!
Cut me up Cafe!  FAB!!!
Cut me up Cafe!  FAB!!!

The art of the hand, translated to digital gathering, turned to creating objects and physical interpretations.

And coffee, each hand made [and foam-swirled], as well.

I savor their core principle –rather than being solely a DIY [do it yourself] culture, the founders espouse the new Fab ideal: DIwO — “do it with others.” Team-build, team experiment, team mistakes, team discoveries. Fun!

Tim | GIRVIN | Seattle @ The Pike Place Market
