Brand angularity: Maison des Maîtres Chocolatiers Belges

Seeking alignments in the spirit of brand design, experience development and product quality.

Brands, angling in (how customers incidentally connect with the reflective brand; and the brand and its reflexive indices of insights in human experience and storytelling connectivity.) There’s a kind of metaphor — the geometry of the story — and the geometry, the “angling” of brand space that I found as a compelling bridge. A friend passed along these images — and I’ll confess that in studying them, I was struck by the holism of this package. Wow.

Thinking about the quality of taste — then environment — it’s a link between two remote sensations that are stirred together. But there’s more — beyond taste and sight — there is touch. There is hearing, the balancing of the intuitive bridge of the stance in “place” — with sound, guests can be righted, they know and sense where they think they are. These are sensational characteristics — the sensuality — of holistic “touching.” In interviewing people, engaging customers about brand place and engagement in environment, we’re looking for insights and “glue” to how people get brands (and the perimeter of consciousness in presence).

At a talk, a person in the audience, referencing an environment that we’d designed said: “I’m touched in a bigger way — I’m brought together, it’s all together (“I” being the guest) into the whole of the expressed design.”

Heard this?

“There’s something here that’s bringing me into the brand, I feel like I can be comfortably inside it.”

“I get it.”

“Going into it — I’m here.”

“Really, I’m held by the idea.”

Being “held” in a place is to be holistically embraced — and, in the storytelling of brand, to be capable of telling that story, again and again to others. Many others, and the word spreads.

And in this instance, the presence of place in experience, it’s a beautiful thing. Synchrony is that moment when time and message aligns and In this design treatment built and designed by Minale, there’s a beautiful synchrony in the storytelling of a brand and it’s relationship to experience development — and taste. The issue is about taste. One might ask, what’s the impression between the notion of the taste of chocolate and the sharpened angular quality of this especial environment. Metaphorically, one might suggest that the angularity points somewhere — it’s a series of fracturing arrows — “look here!” Be drawn in: connect.

Check out the details — below (courtesy of Minal Design Strategy. Angles, prismatics, connections and the layering of experience contacts. Angles drawn you in — but it’s an unusual series of context in the framing of the smoothed sense of what chocolate can be. Most people wouldn’t consider the idea of this angled perspective on the front of the softened quality of chocolate on the tongue — but this contrast aligns with the strategy of surprise. Surprise can be a kind of pleasure. The surprise of the presence in retail can be mind altering connection — the contact, the so-called shock of the new.

Brand angularity: Maison des Maîtres Chocolatiers Belges
Brand angularity: Maison des Maîtres Chocolatiers Belges
Brand angularity: Maison des Maîtres Chocolatiers Belges
Brand angularity: Maison des Maîtres Chocolatiers Belges
Brand angularity: Maison des Maîtres Chocolatiers Belges
Brand angularity: Maison des Maîtres Chocolatiers Belges
Brand angularity: Maison des Maîtres Chocolatiers Belges
Brand angularity: Maison des Maîtres Chocolatiers Belges
Brand angularity: Maison des Maîtres Chocolatiers Belges
Brand angularity: Maison des Maîtres Chocolatiers Belges

Good chocolate can be precisely formed, in a marvelous manner — hard, disciplined and strictly formed in the alchemical character of confectionery manufacture. Once molded, it’s harder — and softens with heat — that, too, can be part of the sensation of experience. The Tattersfield group has taken that to heart in the building of a matching site modeling, linked to the softened palette that takes the way of everything else in the sensualist marvel of the wonder.

Chocolate is a kind of wonder, working with friends — chocolatiers — making this food isn’t easy, it’s a precise sequencing of development that, in any state of its making can be undone by heat, sugars hardening, or other ingredients scalding in the nature of its molecular rebuilding. Imagery, from the site, built by Explose, shown below:

Brand angularity: Maison des Maîtres Chocolatiers Belges
Brand angularity: Maison des Maîtres Chocolatiers Belges
Brand angularity: Maison des Maîtres Chocolatiers Belges

The key for our observation lies in the alignment, the synchrony of message and experience. The magic of chocolate lives in the space, it’s a place to be savored and tasted — with the whole identity of personal connectedness. Maison des Maîtres Chocolatiers Belges is to be congratulated — they’re the ones with the courage to embark on such a mission — and they’ve aligned with a remarkable group to build on their visioning of the extraordinary.
