
Consider this — three remarkable women, each dramatically challenged by trying health related experiences, each finding new truths in combining allopathic and naturopathic cures by exploring new models in healing — and creating a business around them.


And it’s a story that is newly told in the retail medical brand: Naturo Medica. But the concept of telling the brandstory — working with the team to get at their heart for their team and their new visioning comes from their partnership with Girvin. For us, it’s all about listening and learning, then taking what we hear, what we know to be true at the heart of the story and building this out into a framing for textual and visual marketing expressions. And this is about marketing — the very concept that they espouse is an old fashioned return to the retail concept of healing (and hearing) care, coupled with a longer term dream of a deep website tool for relationships and close connections with the patients, in addition to their eye to eye care of their community of clients.

Jill Monster, ND; Naomi Bryant, ND; Tammy McGinnis — each tells their story at think their story means a lot; it’s true, powerful, revealing — and the results of their conceptions we are thrilled to have been a part of, creatively collaborating in bringing their vision to life. Here’s to taking life’s challenges and creating anew, from what’s been learned, to advance to a new vessel of expression and living fully, living healthfully.

Photography Copyrighted NaturoMedica 2007