Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way


Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way.


What of the emotionality of that experience — I’m lost? I’m found. I’m finding my way?

To pleas of positioning and geographic self consciousness.

“I really don’t know where I am.”

“That’s not a problem, look at the signs.”

I contemplated the concept of placeless-ness. There is the homeless, and there are the placeless. They have no where to be. Spending time in Miami, wandering the lustrous richness of the nouveau and antique riche, there are layers to what is known and what might be forgotten — what is place, and what is not?

What is made, in the legacy of beautiful memory and experience recalled, and what is superficially artless, in the momentarily made and soon to be forgotten?

One take lies in spectacle and storytelling – as I am drawn to the old places, those with the concretion of time and human touch. They are mature. The sparkling diners of aluminized experience design are reflective forgetful places. Authentic, they might last. Extruded in the newly made, they might dissolve in the current of our accelerated disdain and discard.

Looking at the old hotel shopfronts, I celebrate their layering — from far out in the street in the evening promenade, they begin to tell their story. And as the explorer — I am drawn in, or turned aside.

Draw me in, storyteller in place(made) —

make me one of your storytellers.

I will carry that telling out into the world.

I like the spirit of these signing treatments — shot, more evocatively, more emotionally — to gather the tenor and spirit of their “calling.”

They are reaching out, telling stories – and asking you to become one.

Of them.

Signing design as emotional “holding” — place making and place “placing” — where does the experiencer site in the place? And how inviting might it be?

Herein, stories stitched in visual stringing — you can become one of their stories.

Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way
All Girvin images. Kindly credit us, in reuse.


That’s the nature of the work — designing something, telling a story in a manner that is compelling enough to draw the voyager — the explorer — into the place; it’s not about placelessness any longer: it’s about place fullness.

Sharing brand experiences —

the foundational spirit of hospitality, one to another. There is a calling card on the street

Tim | A wandering: SOUTH BEACH, MIAMI, FL.