BRANDFIRE | Conceptions of Passionate Brand Leadership Exploring the detailed visioning of leadership in brand management. This article appeared in the June issue of Arcade | Architecture and Design in the Northwest. Fire. BRANDFIRE | A culture of passion What lies...

Dream Deep

Brands, Dreams, Visions and Imagining It takes a special kind of person to run a brand. There will be fire found. In the near four decades of working experience, one comes to know what will work, and what will not, in the management of brand. One can have all the...

7 YEARS: The iPhone and Vogue

PRODUCT STRATEGY, INDUSTRIAL DESIGN, FASHION, AND THEIR INTERTWINEMENT I was thinking about my relationship with the micro-camera, which — for years, that was a folio of 10s of 1,000s of photographs. After clearing out my files, and reducing the collections, I’m still...

Working with Steve Jobs

The design strategy of simplification A friend, Stuart Balcomb, a musician and composer in Venice, California, reminded me of something, to design — and Steve Jobs. I worked as a consultant to Apple, at the behest of Steve Jobs in the late 70s, early 80s. I met...