
Björk | Venturing Forth

Björk, the venture capital of the imagination. Björk “I will not be able to live with my own conscience when my grandchildren drive around Iceland and it’s just full of factories and smelters.” -Björk My first connection with Björk was through the...

The Elevator Pitch

There’s an interesting positioning here — to the concept of the elevator pitch. And while I don’t have a elevator pitch, or a request for money, I do have a modeling that relates to your premise. So, a framing. Brands are about people. And we know...

Making Ballet

I spent the day with Balletmakers | Capezio the day before yesterday. It was Cristina and I. Some interviews, some research, some connections. More gathering. This will be going on for a couple of weeks, the two of us. But there were intriguing other insights into the...