New brand, new city, new place

The concept of the personal brand, in place – what makes a city’s identity? Spending time traveling, as I have now, for the last three weeks straight, I’m now coming to the positioning of questioning my own identity, in the whirring of place. Where...

The Luxury of Authentic Brands

The heart of the genuine: exploring the concepts of authenticity, history, brands and the place of luxury. I’d open with the meaning — and the combinational character of the idea of truth fullness — and its apparent luxury in telling — are true...

Art as Brand: Jeff Koons at the Palace of Versailles

Exploring art in place: context, construct, concept — the brand marketing of Jeff Koons at Versailles. There’s been a far amount of energy being wrapped around the concept of Jeff Koon’s installation at Versailles. Of course, the idea is that the...