Water: spirit, story, brand, design

The wave, the ripple, the droplet, the metaphor — exploring allegorical symbolism in brand and business strategy. The idea of water is a metaphor that has consistency to the notion of exploring how people connect with each other: touch, connectedness, stories...

Equine Brand | The art of the horse

Exploring brands, the equine legacy, design story and materiality Working in Sweden, with a branding program with the luxury group Hästens I found exploring the history of the brand — which, in Swedish, means “Horses” — is intriguingly...

Brand Resonance: Comfort and Cupcakes

The pursuit of comfort: contentment during uncomfortable times Working on the brand revolution of Cinnabon, our research focused on finding what was missing, in the heart of the brand, retail experience and relationship management. Actually, there wasn’t any....

The First Microsoft Store

Image from TechFlash Taking pictures of Microsoft’s opening retail with iPhones. Sometime back, a friend of mine offered to introduce me to the new leader of Microsoft retail. I won’t mention either name, since it’s pointless now — I never...