
You’re so cool.

Design, brand foundations and Silicon Valley: opening the channels to brand origination. "I know that there's a story here, but how will people get it? What is the story, what's cool about it -- and why would anyone care?" I was thinking about the beginnings....

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THE STRATEGY OF A STORY, THAT'S AN OLD STORY, THAT'S A NEW STORY, RETOLD. Why do you carry a story, that is another story (even brand story) that becomes your story -- brought forward? What does the listener hold? If there's a scent - a perfume - could that story be...

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My house, held. And the work in it.

Thinking about the iconography of place, what's made in it. What are the talismans of your place? A person stopped by my condominium, asking to borrow a can opener. Peering into my place, she said -- "are you moving?" As I looked back, there were piles of books,...

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Focused attention. Seeing in-to things.

When you're looking at something, how closely are you tuned? I was watching people watch. This is a habit. That is, studying people as they "study" -- watching to see how people are paying attention. This couldn't be any more in-depth or capable interpretation of the...

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I was thinking about the right ideas, that come from the tumble of those that try, but fail. Those that stumble, and find. These that jumble and arrive at the new. There is tumble, stumble, jumble -- and topple. They're interrelated. Long back, working with a team of...

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Brands and the Quest for Meaning

Will meaningful brands empower the strategy of business direction: 2012? In these days, exploring the soul of brand in the human enterprise, we find the quest for meaning to be a recurrent theme. We are compelled -- in the trade of Girvin -- to explore the hearts,...

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