Guy Laramee bookwork in transformation
The book, that is the leaf of time, space that becomes place and a world. Guy Laramee bookwork in transformation -- presented by Foster White Gallery, Seattle A friend of mine pointed out a show, of an artist -- with a broad vocabulary of explorations, Guy Laramee --...
Building a Wave, Incubation
Building a wave, rippling out innovation and incubation strategies In the past, [1943 / Burbank] there was a team that built a remote, offsite-working, brainstorming and product innovation model called the skunkworks. Supposedly, the origination of the skunkworks...
What I have learned in one day
What I have learned in one day is t h a t : ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– E V E R Y D A Y i s a J O U R N E Y [SMALL OR LARGE] ––– That: however long, difficult or winding these stairs might be -- their point is to take you to another point of view, another...
100 years | The Eagle Scout
The Legacy of the Eagle Scout Award This year, the badge and legacy of the Eagle Scout reaches back a century. In the Girvin family, this is a potent tradition. All of the Girvin brothers are Eagles. And the tradition of scouting runs passionately deep in our...
The Watch
The Focus of Watch Fullness, Studying the Terrain Around You. I was hiking and, to every horizon line, path, water-lined and sanded beach and I studied the wind, the insects' movement, the course of birds, the turning light and colour of green-cast tree-light. And --...
The Evil that Men Shall Do: The Dragon Tattoo Brand Design Strategy
Logos, fonts, custom alphabets and design strategies: from one sheet to main titles WORKING AS A DESIGNER IN THE THEATRICAL BRANDING Design / Strategy market, the "instinctually" founded process is pebbled with uncertainty and the foibles of a largely intuitive and...
I was talking to a girl. As I listened — she told me a story, it was about her life.
I was talking to a girl. As I listened -- she told me a story, it was about her life. And I told an other -- a story, about her story, to another. And then another, that came from the one story, became another story. I was talking to a girl. As I listened -- she told...
Trending scent strategies | the track to knowledge
Trending scent strategies | the track to knowledgethe vocabulary of fragrances. Do you really know what you smell? I was in the subway, METRONYC with a colleague from GIRVIN | NYC -- and, coming down to the running tracks, he says -- "whoa, that smell -- that's ripe!"...
The Spool: Papiota Café: Cut, sew, drink — a new mix.
Papiota, "spool" -- Bucuresti, Romania Cut & sew. And drink & eat. Bobbins and bottles: What of creating environments that combine working experiences that conjoin site realism, entertainment and food? Papiota: the sewing café/shop Bucharest, Romania: If you...
The mystery of design
The mystery of design | drafting design as talismans, amulets, portals and gatekeepers An old sign in Paris Working with Pierre Dinand, [and, noted herewith, that collaboration, here] in Paris -- in the making of a shopfront signing, lasercut from solid brass,...