
What I have learned in one day

What I have learned in one day is t h a t : ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– E V E R Y D A Y i s a J O U R N E Y [SMALL OR LARGE] ––– That: however long, difficult or winding these stairs might be -- their point is to take you to another point of view, another...

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100 years | The Eagle Scout

The Legacy of the Eagle Scout Award This year, the badge and legacy of the Eagle Scout reaches back a century. In the Girvin family, this is a potent tradition. All of the Girvin brothers are Eagles. And the tradition of scouting runs passionately deep in our...

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The Watch

The Focus of Watch Fullness, Studying the Terrain Around You. I was hiking and, to every horizon line, path, water-lined and sanded beach and I studied the wind, the insects' movement, the course of birds, the turning light and colour of green-cast tree-light. And --...

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The mystery of design

The mystery of design | drafting design as talismans, amulets, portals and gatekeepers An old sign in Paris Working with Pierre Dinand, [and, noted herewith, that collaboration, here] in Paris -- in the making of a shopfront signing, lasercut from solid brass,...

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You Could Be No Where

These Days, People Work Anywhere; and Brands, Their Stories, Can Live Anywhere. But they can't be nowhere. Everything needs a place. The nature of the seamless world, presumes an osmotic fluency -- content, storytelling, wonderment, spectacle and experience -- it...

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The LINE OF THOUGHT -- THE THINKING THREAD and the illustration of idea -- the crossing, ruled chalkline, oftentimes, to care of messaging, is in the deep story of text. A drawing is illustrative, it's the shining of an idea. Lustrous. But text is a different webbing...

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