
Could it be old, then new, and beautiful?

RETHINKING ANCIENT DESIGN -- REMADE NOW, NEW. I'm interested in the idea of old [even ancient] design strategies rethought, to new principles of action. My own history is about scouring and memorizing 2,500 years of alphabetic history, and dreaming new utility in the...

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Fear of Missing Out — The FOMO instinct

Could it be that FOMO is really tribal disconnection? Ever been proud that you didn't know what was going on? Been happy that you had no clue about the newest big deal in your community? Pleased that you had no word on the hottest gossip? For some, the idea of not...

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Working with Tony Scott

The Genius of Invention, the Infection of Enthusiasm Weeks later, I've been thinking. I was shocked to read about Tony Scott's passage, in the manner of his so-called choosing -- and more critically, not knowing the truth in, about, any of it. Who does, who will:...

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WAKA | TokyoCrows

The heart and soul of Crows, People, Cityscape and Poetry: Tokyo Waka | A film KRISTINE SAMUELSON + JOHN HAPTAS image from Waka The Kaw-Call of the Crow | Tokyo. Who couldn't forget this call? Tokyo CROWCALL: Wakaaaa! The character of Waka might relate more to the...

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