
Working with Tony Scott

The Genius of Invention, the Infection of Enthusiasm Weeks later, I've been thinking. I was shocked to read about Tony Scott's passage, in the manner of his so-called choosing -- and more critically, not knowing the truth in, about, any of it. Who does, who will:...

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WAKA | TokyoCrows

The heart and soul of Crows, People, Cityscape and Poetry: Tokyo Waka | A film KRISTINE SAMUELSON + JOHN HAPTAS image from Waka The Kaw-Call of the Crow | Tokyo. Who couldn't forget this call? Tokyo CROWCALL: Wakaaaa! The character of Waka might relate more to the...

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Amazon retail — bricks and mortar?

Amazon retail, a theory [Girvin]-- bricks and mortar? Brand, retail, retelling, retooling, rethinking. Retail and community, brand storytelling as a reflective sharing -- the story of place, of culture, of wonder, embracement and connectivity. There is a theory...

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Old Coolness: Antique Wowness in Old Logo Design

Old Coolness | Logo history Image credit: StockLogos In the past, countless logos show the character of the original brand personality. Does modernization take away the soul of their launching propositions? In some instances, we think -- "yes!" How many times have you...

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