
How do you see information as a story?

Visualizing and organizing the perception of information Cinematic interface design as a reference to example Image above: © Cruise/Wagner + Amblin Entertainment It might be said that the rise of infographics -- visualizing, simplifying and organizing content into...

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The smoke of fragranced experience: per-fume

The scent, the mist, the water. Morning crossing, Fidalgo Straits. (Photo credits ©Tim Girvin, 2010) Exploring the mist of scent, place and recollections Reaching back, in history and memory -- a series of notations and reflections, about the heart of experience and...

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Paper, ink, the book — the printed package

The sensuality of the book I was working in a remote, private room, the so-called rare book library at Girvin | Seattle. It's a small space, and in this book room, the volumes start at about a yard from the floor, then rise up to somewhere around 10 feet. People have...

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Retelling retail: spectacle

THE RICHNESS OF STYLE, STORY, CONTENT AND EXPERIENCE PLAYED LARGE Above, The Blue Frog Lounge, Mumbai, India Sound branding | integrated music lounge ––––– What about the sheer implications of style, design made manifest? I have no information on these places, just...

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Matto | Bar & Pizzeria – design

Matto: A New mix in Shanghai Pizza, made eclectic -- divergent materiality and message Matto Bar & Pizzeria: Imagery from Matto | Press section TSG | QUEEN ANNE STUDIOS ….. G I R V I N | RETELLING RETAIL DESIGNING THE STRATEGY OF SELLING : BRAND STORYTELLING...

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Bringing Simplicity To Product Packaging

I was thinking about that idea -- the fluff of package -- really, is there a meaningful story there [all those carefully conceived messages, do people really pay attention?] When we talk about epiphany, are people really looking? Studying? Reaching -- to new light?...

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Returning to the Mother Seeking and Exploring the Metaphor of Ideas, Nature, Your Work A Love of the Ocean, the Sea of allegory -- the original maker, the storyteller of us all When I was a child, growing up, Eastern Washington, in Spokane -- sometimes [not always] my...

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The Shock of Beauty

The shock of the new, the spectacle of surprise Tim Girvin | Spain I like the idea of standing out -- something that's a surprise -- it's a shock. Then again, you probably know that surprise -- etymologically, is the prize beyond, it's the sur-prise; "pried" from the...

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MySpace Interface

The Interspace: the new MySpace UI Wide Open -- Inner Space -- Interface It's interesting to study the migrations of MySpace, in the challenges of their past failing and flailing attempts to maintain a respectable share of the social online communities. A new logo...

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