
Paper, ink, the book — the printed package

The sensuality of the book I was working in a remote, private room, the so-called rare book library at Girvin | Seattle. It's a small space, and in this book room, the volumes start at about a yard from the floor, then rise up to somewhere around 10 feet. People have...

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Retelling retail: spectacle

THE RICHNESS OF STYLE, STORY, CONTENT AND EXPERIENCE PLAYED LARGE Above, The Blue Frog Lounge, Mumbai, India Sound branding | integrated music lounge ––––– What about the sheer implications of style, design made manifest? I have no information on these places, just...

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Matto | Bar & Pizzeria – design

Matto: A New mix in Shanghai Pizza, made eclectic -- divergent materiality and message Matto Bar & Pizzeria: Imagery from Matto | Press section TSG | QUEEN ANNE STUDIOS ….. G I R V I N | RETELLING RETAIL DESIGNING THE STRATEGY OF SELLING : BRAND STORYTELLING...

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Bringing Simplicity To Product Packaging

I was thinking about that idea -- the fluff of package -- really, is there a meaningful story there [all those carefully conceived messages, do people really pay attention?] When we talk about epiphany, are people really looking? Studying? Reaching -- to new light?...

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Returning to the Mother Seeking and Exploring the Metaphor of Ideas, Nature, Your Work A Love of the Ocean, the Sea of allegory -- the original maker, the storyteller of us all When I was a child, growing up, Eastern Washington, in Spokane -- sometimes [not always] my...

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The Shock of Beauty

The shock of the new, the spectacle of surprise Tim Girvin | Spain I like the idea of standing out -- something that's a surprise -- it's a shock. Then again, you probably know that surprise -- etymologically, is the prize beyond, it's the sur-prise; "pried" from the...

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MySpace Interface

The Interspace: the new MySpace UI Wide Open -- Inner Space -- Interface It's interesting to study the migrations of MySpace, in the challenges of their past failing and flailing attempts to maintain a respectable share of the social online communities. A new logo...

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Could it be old, then new, and beautiful?

RETHINKING ANCIENT DESIGN -- REMADE NOW, NEW. I'm interested in the idea of old [even ancient] design strategies rethought, to new principles of action. My own history is about scouring and memorizing 2,500 years of alphabetic history, and dreaming new utility in the...

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Fear of Missing Out — The FOMO instinct

Could it be that FOMO is really tribal disconnection? Ever been proud that you didn't know what was going on? Been happy that you had no clue about the newest big deal in your community? Pleased that you had no word on the hottest gossip? For some, the idea of not...

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