
Who is the Mayor of Mars?

Curiosity, where are you? Are you the Mayor of Mars? Yes -- to the Mayorship. But to the geo-synchronism of FourSquare, the point might be journey, story, relevance and place. I'm here. I'm there. I'm no where. Mars Curiosity at Gale Crater Became mayor! 1 hour ago...

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Working with Steve Jobs

The design strategy of simplification A friend, Stuart Balcomb, a musician and composer in Venice, California, reminded me of something, to design -- and Steve Jobs. I worked as a consultant to Apple, at the behest of Steve Jobs in the late 70s, early 80s. I met him...

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Hey, that’s designy!

The etymology of design, the signature of personality -- and your presence. The design of you is what you make of it. The design is you. Your story, your musculature, the tracery of your nerves and veins, how you draw, hold a drawing tool --what you see, mind-fully...

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Idea Fire tornado

The metaphor of clouds Cloud-watching, the formation of ideas, cloudmind and the wind, the mist of crowds [Image above, the Palouse, Tim Girvin cloud watching -- photographed by Dawn A. Clark] Coming from a farming family, I'm a skywatcher. Also, as a sailor, I watch...

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Heatherwick Studios

The rippling of Genius A friend writes from London -- a visit to the Victoria & Albert show on the design ingenuity of Thomas Heatherwick. It's not the first time that we've observed his shining light. Earlier, working in NYC, we'd noted his work on the curious...

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