
The design…

The crafted design of layered stories, the mischief [and surprise] of what is unseen, and hidden -- and the obvious ploy to plotted attention: the art of intentional concealment, personal secrets [held and shared], storytelling explication and the unfolding of ideas:...

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Vice Media Network + Magazine

The imagination of Vice Media The dream, documentation and commentary of what lives and breathes the other, darker side of the tracks. "National Geographic on crack," is how one describes the Vice Media Network. Somebody sent me a note -- daily update. it came from...

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Brand Evolutions | Wendy’s

Quickshift: the value of fast change Speed of change counts, there is surprise value in accelerated shifting from one modeling to another. Working with the teams at Starbucks, learning from their move to the next, the new -- the effort was rarely casual; usually...

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Who is the Mayor of Mars?

Curiosity, where are you? Are you the Mayor of Mars? Yes -- to the Mayorship. But to the geo-synchronism of FourSquare, the point might be journey, story, relevance and place. I'm here. I'm there. I'm no where. Mars Curiosity at Gale Crater Became mayor! 1 hour ago...

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