

WHAT IF YOU'RE THE BRAND? We've written a lot about the brand of you. The truth of the brand will lie in the journey; in exploring any brand, our path is journey -- what route has it been, what telling to the past, the present, the future? That goes for you too. Where...

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Where are you going, where have you been?

The journey out, and the journey back; looking forward to where you've been. I was rowing, and as I pull ahead, off the beach and into the choppy slipstream of the salted sea channel, out to the open oceans, I saw that I was rowing away from where I had been, and that...

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The Shadow World

Go You To The Shadow World? It's never about what you see in clarity alone, but what lies behind the Light. Certainty is never assured in anything. As a designer, when I'm working on a project, or a photo shoot, a story, a piece of writing, I watch for the Light, yet...

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The ring

The metaphor of the Rod, the Ring, the Line, the Circle. I think symbolically: when I try to find the answer to a problem, I draw it out. And for me, it's that: "drawing it out." Like a string, a line, a movement. A dance. The idea of a stroke having a lively presence...

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The Tarot of Your Journey

Designing Divination -- the Craft of your Path Built by Hand and Shown in the Throw The pick of the draw -- and the drawing out, the woven journey, the thread of path, and the cartography of the psyche. What you see is what you get; what you get is what you see....

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Magical Books, Calligraphy as an Agency of Power

The Talismanic Alphabet, Mystical Calligraphy. It's been said that the roots of the alphabet aren't a scientific and archaeologically sequenced discovery, but rather a revelation, something from the magic of meaning, the scribing of the psychic underlayment to mind....

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Designing for Cowboys

The Craft of the Hand, the Story, the Image Over time, legends come into play. And if you work the craft, follow your inspirations, you can get to where you want to -- the legends, the myths, the stories. But any quest won't be without travails, challenges, thorny...

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The Turn of the Gesture

The Beauty of the Mindless Walking a construction site, I was studying the siting notes and install corrections. What I note, in watching the drawings, writings and notations of others is that in that sense of mindlessness. The doodle, the swirl, the twist, the check...

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The Threading of Ideas

The Metaphor of the String I was thinking about the symbolism of weaving, having met with some weavers. Ephesus | Weavers Collective I watched them set the foundational warp, and then shuttling, back and forth, the patterning of the weft. It's delicate work. And like...

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