
Spice, Perfume, Taste, Scent and Strategic Design

The Craft of Making Senses In the spirit of sensate journey, being out there, I was digging around in the basement of an old building in NYC, down south, Soho way. Late 1800s -- a subway nexus, just off Houston. While I was there, looking for stories, things happened....

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Where are you?

Defining locality and brand presence What is on the surface and lies beneath? I was walking in the dark -- that, a metaphor unto itself -- and looking on the street, with the light filtering and flickering in the wind-riven trees, casting quivering shadows in the...

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Could you feel me?

Feeling in the world of design, sensation and brand In the midst of scientific tabulation, the downloading of massive arrays of data, the swirls of crowds, the whorls of trend and the waves of movement, it might be said that ultimately it will come down to one thing:...

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INTENTIONALLY BLANK? I found this in a hospital room. And I was thinking, "what is it for, really?" This room is intentionally supposed to be blank? Empty? An interesting discovery for a patient. Welcome? You're here, but you're not supposed to be. Blank. White space....

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WHAT THAT COMES DOWN TO, IS WHAT TYPE, ARE YOU? When I interview people, prospective employees, client and team interviews, I watch for handwriting. How does a person sign their name, how do they take notes, how do they hold a pen? Everything tells a story. In...

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THE DEMOGRAPHY OF EVERYONE The Journey to Knowing Who You're Talking To As a designer, you need to design to craft and tell stories, create messages and visualizations that connect with people. To link to people's emotional points of gravity -- that magnetism lies in...

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I want to trust you, but should I? Do you trust me? Do I trust myself, my instincts -- what's true? Pondering trust and inspiration, I was thinking about Rei Kawakubo, foundress of Comme des Garçons, a hands-on woman entrepreneur, designer and innovator that I've...

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