
The Weaving of the Alphabet

Designing the Alphabet of the Film, "The Matrix." The metaphors of threading, rain, flow and the loom of meaning in context Working with Warner Brothers, Joel Silver and the Wachowski siblings on "The Matrix" was a highlight in a string of theatrical advertising...

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WHEN I GET CLOSER, I KNOW MORE As I touch something, I can feel inside. Isn't it so, for you, that when you touch something, you know more? In a conversation, touching the person that you're communicating with, adds a series of punctuations and pauses that accentuate...

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WHEN YOU GO BACK, TO A PLACE OF QUIET, IN THAT PAUSE, RE-CREATE. The journey of creativity is an ebb and flow of the fluency of finding the beauty that is right for you, that you could find, discovering -- and that you could make yourself, in your recreation. We start...

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What Do You Wonder At?

Wonderment and Wow. I realized that for me, the sense of wow, and the state of wowness, suggests the bridge to wonderment. I've written about wow in the past. Wow is a Scottish word from the 1500s -- and it links to amazement. One might suggest that to be amazed is to...

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THE LEGEND OF CULT AND THE IMPLICATIONS OF CULTURE In an engaged manner, culture appeals most inherently to the idea of cultivation. A metaphor of gardens, flowering and nurturing growth. In the cultural revolution of the world inside brands, the longest shadow from...

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I Am the Forest, I Am The Tree

The Clustering of Customers, the Typing of People, From the One to the Many As a veteran of hundreds of hours of focus groups, sessions, store interceptions and onsite consumer reviews, I find a forest, but am I close enough to the tree? I was thinking about this the...

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If You Go Somewhere.

Get In There. Get Dirty. Get Deep. Digging Into Experience and Brand Learning. The Strategy of Story, Name, Journey. In every moment, there is a journey. The tiny steps of an instant, make up the chronology of a stride to the cartography of a longer journey, a path...

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A TOUCHING BOOK, CONTEMPLATING 360º IN BRAND AND EXPERIENCE A VISUAL MEDITATION EXPLORING THE JOURNEY; A LEGACY OF THE SENSATE. The human stance of holism. Every journey is a storytelling of sensuality -- how you sense and experience the grand sphere of your...

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Love the New

And Recall the Old Strategies of brand innovation and evolution patterning. Newness. Wowness. Feelingness. Going forward and going back in the quest for the newness of change. IN THE JOURNEY OF ANY ONE, THE QUEST FOR THE NEW WILL BE IN THE HEART, AND THE HEAT, OF...

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