

The twists and turns of meaning — drawn knowledge. In teaching workshops on the alphabet, and especially finding your own place in the quintessential expression of the YOU, in alphabetic form — the flow of your presence. What I believe is that each person has traits...

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THE MOST EXPENSIVE PERFUME IN THE WORLD A happier scent. It might be said that the most valuable perfume there could be would be your personal scent — the layering of molecular expressions that gather everything from your being, your roadwork, scenes seen — the way...

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Looking for Magic

The quest for the magical — in craft, design, business strategies and brand. In a manner, the work that we all do is a quest — the pursuit of a question to be answered, the pathway to a question contained, opened and discovered. What we all do, and what we craft as...

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How Strong Is Your Brand?

Resilience, strength, responsiveness Brands, given their human provenance, have human character in their attitude. A brand doesn’t simply move along of its own accord, it’s not a robotic unit, it’s fired and fueled by humans on both sides of the equation. People...

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Top [Secret] Design

Brands That Survive on Stealth, Secrecy and Intrigue I was sitting on a jet with a talkative neighbor, a US Marshal, who coincidentally spoke to me on the theories of the layering of police, detection and intelligence — I thought, “how intriguing.” And then wondered...

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How to Do Nothing

The Art of Spacing In. In the frenzy of our present experience, we all struggle with the ever-unrelenting issue of connectivity. We need to be connected to everything, all the time. There is a phrase in the context of social and hybrid community management known as...

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What Is Your Name?

Contexts of Nomenclature and Meaning. According to the Greeks, “the etymon is the name of the true thing.” Etymos=true. What that means is that a name is a deep name, and that the truth would be told. Etymon — comes from the Greek for “truth” — and powerful names for...

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WHAT IS: "A NICE DAY?" Nice is one of those tough words, that’s so vague and so commonly used enough that it made me ponder — “what’s that mean?” In my own journey, I live in a place of perpetual curiosity about words and meaning. I listen to what people say, and how...

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