
The Color Red

A JOURNEY OF MAKING: SIGNALING THE POINT OF ENTRY I’ve been working on a string of projects that think about entry — about doorways, about sequences in — ways of finding the outside skin: the way in, then the inside out. Once you’re in, then what is your pathway out?...

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The Curve of Magic | The Keris Blade

I’m not big on knives, except as objects of art. And magic. Earlier, I’d worked on a set of knives as handmade craft objects, of dense detail, material and alchemical manufacture. Then, working in Java, I learned about kris. Or as some spell it, the keris. My...

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The Exploration of Personal Ritual

Getting to the soul of things. What is a thing? I’ve wondered about that. A thing. thing I look into the place of where words go, where they have been, and what stories they tell: O.E.D: “meeting, assembly,” later “entity, being, matter” (subject of deliberation in an...

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The Tides, the River, the Sea, the Stars and the Stairs

The Walk of the Early Morning — look out. An earlier meditation: I was out walking, just dawn, the southern shoreline — at the southernmost reach of the United States. Stars loom and gyrate on the bounding arc of Heaven. Tide churns. An oceanic river, flows. Out...

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The Measurement of Flow

HOW FLOW WORKS Earlier, I corresponded with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the scholar and author of “Flow.” His studies of the concept of flow and the optimal experience are legendarily groundbreaking. I found the idea of the perfected state, the flow state, to be...

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[The Art of Being Lost]

THE WAYFINDER’S ART. THE DESIGN OF SIGNS. Where to? The art of being lost and finding your way. I WAS LOST, NOW I AM FOUND. What of the emotionality of that experience — I’m lost? I’m found. I’m finding my way? To pleas of positioning and geographic self...

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The Mechanics of Fear and Creativity

As a designer, a brand person, a journeyer, a wanderer, what know you of fear? I contemplate: metus | fear. Things are arranged; then they are rearranged. Things are stable, then they are unstable. What do you hold to: that which is arranged, that which is not? Is...

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Home Plate

What is home? The Pathway To Where You Were and Where You Might Need To Be I was talking to some athletes — baseball players, about their concept of home. Home Runs, Home plate. What is that, getting home? The metaphor of home, home runs, getting home, hitting a homer...

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iPad: Capturing ideas and journeys

Capturing Ideas and Design Journeys iPad: Drafting creativity | Brand Cartography (iPhoneZenBrush) DIGITAL NOTEMAKING: THE CARTOGRAPHY OF DESIGN THINKING Doodles, scribbles, mapping and documentation: Brandquesting®, brand navigation and creative brand business...

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T H I N G S   T H A T W E   F O U N D I N   T H E   F I R E Meditations on fire. On the poetry of the work. Finding fire. In the consideration of passing, things move on. Moments flicker. Friends pass. Teams evolve. Brands move. Miracles whorl. And new things come out...

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