
All that Wander

ALL THAT WANDER SHALL BE FOUND The Quest for Metaphor, Personal Symbolism and the Iconography of Journey IN THE WORK ON BRAND, the questing strategist invariably finds that — besides the fundamentals of commerce — there are deeper values to the work: there is a...

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Movie Titling / Hand Craft

Working from Scratch: Customized Type Face Design, Font Development and Motion Picture Design The presumption is — design by hand and the work is better. Is that right? In the study of aligning idea to shining, brand to epiphany, inspiration to magic — there is the...

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RUIN PORN — What Did You Do Now?

The Beauty of Ruination — the Quest for Damage The fascination with ruins. The beauty of that which was. When one hears that phrase, “brand new” it usually implies that which is bright and shiny — freshly made, just out of the mould. I tend not to have much interest...

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The Truth of Luxury

THE LUXURY OF AUTHENTIC BRANDS Love counts in the practice of making true. The heart of the genuine: exploring the concepts of authenticity, history, brands and the place of luxury. I’d open with the meaning — and the combinational character of the idea of truth and...

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The Quest for the Hidden, the Secret and the Occult In the journey — for each of us — we might find a certain fascination with that which isn’t allowed, that which is hidden, forbidden, the dark. Fascination speaks, in its history, to fire and spellbinding,...

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The Mother

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Celebrating the Mysteries of The Mother In my journey thus far, I’ve studied the hand-making of things, the creative molding process as a person driven and bidden by the magic spell of making. But that making is a deeper realm, held in the archetype...

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You Could Get to Yes

A Meditation on An Answer I was listening to a toddler, who happens to be my year-old grandson Ellis, and he was saying “No.” Meanwhile, my other, first-received 4-year-old grandson Isaiah has a special way of saying “Yes.” It’s a precise diction he offers. He says it...

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