

The Naming of Things THE MYSTICAL ROOTS OF THE DESIGNING AND VOICING OF NAMES. When you think about it, telling someone your name is either comfortable or proves an uneasiness. And sometimes, you might ask for the name of a person, and there is a pregnant moment of...

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Force Fullness

THE SENSE OF PUSH. AND PULL. AND PLAY. Sometimes, in the strength of the passionate moment, the voice of the impassioned telling — accentuating the potent momentum — there’s a need for force. FORCE ACTIVATES. And force can captivate. Enchantment: As the energy passes...

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BRAND KICKSTART: ZEN MIND, BEGINNER’S MIND GIRVIN office lobby working session | Seattle THE IMPETUS OF SPIRITUAL BRANDING — EXPLORING THE CONCEPT OF ZEN IN THE CONSTRUCT OF BRANDING In working with teams, on the implications of their brand, the process is inevitably...

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The Icon of You

Personal Brands, Totems and Emblems Why does Tim Girvin love crows and ravens? It was just posted, again — a group of images on crows and ravens tagged “for Tim Girvin.” While that was happening, that posting, I was looking at an entity that was clearly looking at me...

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The Aesthetics of Aging

The Beauty of Rust Antiquity, Utility, Wabi Sabi and Beauty In one person’s eyes, as an object gets older, it cracks, it discolors — and it might rust. Okay, one approach — toss it out. Get rid of it. And contrary to that — another more classical line of thinking:...

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The Design of Shadows

DESIGNING THE SHADOW WORLD What Have You Seen of the Shadow World? In any journey, the question is never just what is on the surface, but what lies behind and beneath. It’s never about what you see in clarity alone, but what lies behind the Light. And what the Light...

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