
Making Ballet

I spent the day with Balletmakers | Capezio the day before yesterday. It was Cristina and I. Some interviews, some research, some connections. More gathering. This will be going on for a couple of weeks, the two of us. But there were intriguing other insights into the...

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Good morning. Here’s a procession: For the last 15 years, or more, I’ve been watching the evolution of this artist, designer and sculptor, Anish Kapoor. He was, however, born one year after me, so he’s been around. You probably know about him. Maybe not. But working...

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Luxury in China

Let's start at the beginning point of our earlier conversations; branding is about people. It's not merely about the growth figures; there's no growth if people don't get the story. The real point, however, is about what luxury means; yes – it's a commodity, but in...

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Chocolate confections

There are a couple of trends that I perceive, in working in this space of consumer communications and brand representations. First, it's clear that there are continuously emerging "new brands", which might be "repositioned" old brands. Confectioners work in one place,...

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Whole Foods and Storytelling

Whole Foods and Storytelling I was in Whole Foods this morning and shot some images. Whole Foods marketing is really about storytelling – a layering of images, texts and ideas (as ideals) that embrace customers into their world. And if you are not an organically...

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Le Bain du Blaine?

Pun intended, I suppose — the bain, the bath — so called, (bane, rather) of conjurers and magicians: David Blaine. But his newest stunt — amazingly at the Lincoln Center Courtyard — is a curious spectacle… Literally. Not sure how this rates as cultural, being there at...

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We win Canyon Ranch Living in Miami; while the winning is grand, the vibe of Miami is curious. It’s moneyed, but cultural — to the arts — vacant. The sensing is all about the transport of snowbird capital, from the north, to the south, from the far south, back to...

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