
Camper signatura

Istikal Caddesi / Istanbul : Camper shop.? I liked the concept of these shoes. I bought a pair, but my daughters intimate that they look like bowling shoes. Since I mostly wear black, black, and more black, with a little white thrown in, it seemed a natural. Except to...

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Bill Virgin, Seattle PI To the nature of shifting marketing, to marketing environments...I'd offer this: We tend to visualize the shifting of messages, for businesses, as a tuning of the story. So if there's the implication that a brand, for example, has a story that...

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Heatherwick Models of Flow…NYC

SLICE CURL PEEL MELT. Thought you might enjoy this, the detailing of Thomas Heatherwick’s work on Longchamp, Soho, Manhattan. Maybe you’ve seen it, already. I was down town working, Soho, took a break, and went there: shot. Frankly, I’m actually not sure that the...

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Puma Stretching Ferrari

I was working back east, around Princeton and elsewhere out there, and came to this new modeling for Puma. I really like the floors, which seem like they are made of some kind of silvery slop, hardened. And there are other really strange materials as well — spongy...

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The concept of the sacred in commerce

The conceptual gesture, to supporting Shawn McNally's spiritual exploration, is drawing back to manuscripts hundreds of years old to find the archetypal spiritual exploration that captures the needs and quests of the seeker. It's all about the voice, the sacred voice,...

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Brand Braille

*10. MARKETING: INNOVATIVE BRANDING AND MARKETING TRENDS. TIM GIRVIN, designer and founder of GIRVIN, discusses a new expression: Brand Braille. Tim describes this a sa metaphor – a way to transmit a brand message through the creation of a distinctive pattern that...

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Interview Notes / Tom Kundig

How do you know Tom? I've known Tom since childhood, in Spokane, our families sort of connected earlier in our lives – and still have a kind of connection together, over there. Why do you think he suggested I speak to you? Being a designer, I suppose that I've learned...

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Making Ballet

I spent the day with Balletmakers | Capezio the day before yesterday. It was Cristina and I. Some interviews, some research, some connections. More gathering. This will be going on for a couple of weeks, the two of us. But there were intriguing other insights into the...

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Good morning. Here’s a procession: For the last 15 years, or more, I’ve been watching the evolution of this artist, designer and sculptor, Anish Kapoor. He was, however, born one year after me, so he’s been around. You probably know about him. Maybe not. But working...

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