
Of course there’s a retort

Weblink to article "Innovation and Sales - Never Say Never, Tim Girvin" ------ Never say never. Let's look back. First of all, can't quite remember a quote like that, but too, what's the point of the method, to the medium? Is it that then, to McLuhan's titled...

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Tidal art(ifice)…

Seen this, friend?? Tide sculpture...chandelier! No, it's not from Tide products...But gatherings from the tide, the Dungeness coastline in Kent | UK. http://www.stuarthaygarth.com/default.asp?V_DOC_ID=1080

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First Girvin Blog

12.29.06 This is the first day (and the first LIVE text) of the GIRVINVIRGIN blog @ girvin.com. Scroll over the GIRVIN brandmark, and there it will be. Soon. It's not going to be the first entry (per se > chronologically) -- and it's really not on a day that has...

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DC Shoes

I keep looking around.? This is a boarding brand -- boards being skate and snow. More than shoes, obviously. http://www.dcshoes.com/home.asp Their website is relatively quiet, given the more radical character of their brand. And the store | story that holds them....

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Camper signatura

Istikal Caddesi / Istanbul : Camper shop.? I liked the concept of these shoes. I bought a pair, but my daughters intimate that they look like bowling shoes. Since I mostly wear black, black, and more black, with a little white thrown in, it seemed a natural. Except to...

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Bill Virgin, Seattle PI To the nature of shifting marketing, to marketing environments...I'd offer this: We tend to visualize the shifting of messages, for businesses, as a tuning of the story. So if there's the implication that a brand, for example, has a story that...

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