
TED / Three +…

Okay, so I've been busy, and trying to fill out the remaining days has taken time. Days, right? Daze, right? Like a week or so, really. And there's more, too. More learnings -- and of course, so much more learning that it took me a couple of daze to actually compile...

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There was all ways the myth of the beginning in her, that was un-named and known as force of making, Matrix and in that mystery, found, burdened, measured then lost in the fool that was man. The scent of the beginning drifted away, yet remains [ p e r f u m e ] in the...

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What story is there when the tale is hardware and the phone set for kids? Couple that thinking with a slightly schizophrenic jumble and you've got brand: Kajeet. Jeet is the personality, safety -- the reference, yet a gameworthy fun is woven in. Here's more -- from...

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The Prize

There's an unusual component to TED, driven by Chris Anderson's visioning, and Sapling Foundation's fueling of the ultimate goal of the event, and TEDs bigger planetary role. And what do I really know about it, being a TED virgin? Not much, but what I learned. I can,...

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There's a great deal coming out of TED -- the encounters, the explorations, the connections, the learnings. Incredible really. I don't think I've ever been to anything quite like it. But the mix is increasingly world focused, on the big world problems and what...

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TED / Day one : L O V E

Hi. A LOT of us write about the concepts of emotion in the context of the work that we do. We'd like to think that we know something about it. How you reach in there, capture that -- illustrate some sensate connection by virtue of text, imagery. But what about tools...

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Jeff Han / New interface | TED

HI. I thought about you when exploring this idea. Imagine large scale hand and fingertip gestures in managing, enlarging, reducing and exploring digital imagery files, transparently, on a massive screen, shared in action, two people, with multiple imagery controls in...

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Dimensioned drawing: coming to life

See this? I was thinking about you. And I thought about this idea. ------ Remember this book? Harold and the Purple Crayon. I've had a dream about this idea - the notion of drawing something, that moves and comes to life in a breathed animation. You might have seen...

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Notes on The Matrix design

There's another symbolic value to the O and the 1 beyond the nature of the digital translation of content and interpretation. O, the curved enclosure -- is, in sequence etymologically -- from Sanskrit -- the sunya; Arabic, sifr; Medieval Latin, ciphra; the cipher, the...

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