
Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts | CEO | Saatchi+Saatchi ww. | Bridget de Socio | creative ronin ---- Monday, May 7, 2007 Inspirational People - Bridget de Socio One thing you can say about working at Saatchi & Saatchi is that it is never dull and it’s mostly fun. And the greatest...

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Gross Grandeur

Edward Burtynsky | Manufactured Landscapes @ the Film Forum | NYC. Trailer and related content ---- Beautiful ugliness. I've made some notes about the idea of beauty, in ugliness, before. Ugly beauty. You know that concept -- the swirls of rainbowed oil twirling in...

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In Defense of Tom Cruise | Valkyrie

Probably the wrong wave, I'd imagine. But that's the point of the story to be told. And let's tell that story. I'd propose that the notion of banning a film because of some ongoing promulgation by Tom Cruise, about his personal "spiritual" beliefs -- in any other...

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LIGHTS OUT LONDON! - June 21st (article link) Tomorrow, that is. Worth considering, the idea of a silent and lightless reflection. Personally, I'm one of those people that savors working by candlelight, or virtually no light -- so the concept of an intentional black...

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Fight Girls

I was talking to these girls this morning, on the way to the office -- and while I couldn't take pictures of them, since they are pitching this concept for a TV Series, I did take pictures anyway. Love those pink gloves, I sez. They weren't doing much, except for...

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Nice. One. Eno.

Happy Monday. I'm sure you know all about Brian Eno. But I wonder if you've seen one of his installations? I think that I talked to you about sound in environment. How people can experience space in the context of sound. Maybe I'd mentioned seeing one of his sound...

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The Elevator Pitch

There's an interesting positioning here -- to the concept of the elevator pitch. And while I don't have a elevator pitch, or a request for money, I do have a modeling that relates to your premise. So, a framing. Brands are about people. And we know people in stories...

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