
TypeCon 2007

When someone gets something -- understands a message, how is it gathered, how is it understood? The lay of the alphabet, the geometries therein, speak to the message of the mind, laid bare, in the character of the black on the white, the message -- missive -- quickly...

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Death of Luxury

There are some that believe that luxury's rocking - it's just one big booming affair. But where in the world is it rocking? There are others, particularly more fluent to the history and movement of luxury brand(s) in Asia that see a potential turning that might...

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Beowulf: the movie

Beowulf What calls, from ancient halls, the spirit of that other distant world, far more than a thousand and five hundred years back in the balled skein of time? Beowulf! Palaeography, or the history of the written world has long been a strategic underpinning of what...

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Matt Groening

Matt Groening & Tim Girvin: Cartooned life Meditations on careers, creative and titles. I met Matt Groening first at TED, 2007. More often than not, people have said that the big connection that I have with college is cartooning. "Hey, you're from the same school...

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What is the question?

You. The question? What mystery found, what box unopened -- what, unanswerable issues -- what comes forth, now found, newly discovered? What are you looking for, what is there to be ? What is that? I've been thinking about this a lot this weekend. What draws me? What...

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The New York Times

7 | 9 | 07 The New York Times | explorations of the new edifice. I went to check out the New York Times new building. It's not all theirs, of course. But, it's new. The structure was created by Renzo Piano -- I've long admired his work. Since Pompidou Centre. There's...

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slow emotion

7 / 11 / 07 1 | 1000 of a second Slow emotion. Lincoln Center | NYC The scrim from beneath. I was in Lincoln Square, the other night, upper west side, NYC -- and I saw the recent installation by David Michalek. This slow motion photographic dissection of the movement...

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