

Scent is the most powerful of the five senses. How can companies use scent to attract customers? How can it be used as a marketing tool? It's important to think of scent as a kind of layering of experience. For example, scent alone won't instantly transform a prospect...

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American Graphic Design

design -- the implementation of the signature, the marking, the descriptive curve, has always been that thing which crosses borders -- for the sharing of one thing makes its way to another -- it's found here, signed, and extended there...and with that, it's a wonder...

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Sex and retail

I've been studying sex. And retail. Since I was a teenager. Not necessarily in that order. Nor presumably together. But I've been studying them. My first exposures to the concept was as a boy scout traveling in Europe, as an early teenager. What I'd discovered was...

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Luxury Branding and Patterning

Perhaps you know the classic rendition of "A Pattern Language"? The premise of this fine theoretical explication by Christopher Alexander is that there are a series of movements, patterns, that relate to how space, volume and presence can be reflected in human...

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Understanding international presentations

Examples of what your international meetings involve: Global encounters that I've been involved in usually relate to complex presentations involving design -- and different kinds of design: identity, packaging, brand strategy, retail design and environmental graphics....

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Luly Yang

Over time, if you can imagine it, I've known women that pursued the Nellie Cashman award kind of like a sweepstakes, sort of like a takeover strategy. "How can I acquire that?". Really, not kidding. But what I'd offer is the sincerest form of congratulations - nay,...

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to applaud Al Gore, Nobel Peace Laureate

"Thank you, bless you -- Al Gore; what greater giving, what better gift to the planet, than your new dawning of insights, intelligence and calm authority in advising the world -- finally -- to what future there might be...and what future we might create anew?"...

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Notes to a student

I believe that the story is the way that people connect with each other. I tell you a story about me, you learn something -- there's a possible magnetic link between us; we've made some opening range of a connection. And from there...what, where might it go? I'm...

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