
The Human Brand

While it might seem profoundly obvious, the brand is inherently human -- it's about people, connecting to other people. People create brands -- the notion of a brand DNA is nothing but an explication of the concept of the precisely personal character of the human...

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I was thinking about the concept of enthrallment. It was something that was mentioned to me during an encounter with Diane Ackerman, the author and poet, who described herself, her life, in that manner. Life's spinning, a series of enthrallments. And I like that idea....

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Apple As Luxury Brand

Susan DeChillo | The New York Times I first met Steve Jobs in the 80s. Actually, it was at Stanford. He was there, speaking. And I was there, listening. Afterwards, I went up to introduce myself. And we went from there. I worked on the Macintosh launch and technology...

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The most beautiful in the world

Design, in beauty -- is where the application is all the more wondrous. Happiest, holidays -- to you: tsg | nyc+seattle - Times Square, New York Before the ball drops in Times Square, the Big Apple turns on its holiday charm with the Christmas tree in Rockefeller...

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what way, found, what path, known?

I've been drawing -- painting -- things like this for some time. And, well, they're flat. There are two dimensions. The black, the white. And the space, between. And then, too, there are translations of the energetic content of the brushstroke and the drawing, that...

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in·ter·ac·tive /ˌɪntərˈæktɪv/ –adjective 1. acting one upon or with the other. 2. of or pertaining to a two-way system of electronic communications, as by means of television or computer: interactive communications between families using two-way cable television. 3....

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