
The letter

The very center of the work that I do lies here, in the heart of the letterform. There can be just that one touch, that relates to the person. D.4-D. The letter, big or small, translates to content. c1460 G. ASHBY Policy Prince 648 Poems (E.E.T.S.) 33 Yf god sende you...

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What is the way, found? I was thinking about this. In the context of the work that you do. And what I do. I've wondered about that, the character of being lost, being found. Finding your way. And there's a part of the work that we do that is just about that -- helping...

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The Luxury of Books

Tony Cenicola | The New York Times There are levels of the luxury experience. And in a way, it's about what our personal experience of what the sense of luxury might be. But the expression of the luxuriant could be many things. Tom Ford, himself, defines the luxurious...

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The signature

The signature is a marking, a signing, that links the gesture of the hand, the fingertips, the wrist, the arm to the mind. It's a kind of drawing of the mind -- your signature is the reflection of your intelligence. That is, I suppose, the character of graphology --...

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