
The OED: "brandish" — Brand as fire

The OED: "brandish" -- Brand as fire. Notes on the Place of being. Considering meaning and etymology, reflections on distinction and memory of meaningful experience. I had a conversation with a friend of mine, Paula Rees. She's a placemaker. Her focus is, and has...

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Martin Lindstrom

Martin Lindstrom 3.4.08 Human branding, the brand: human. If ever there was a person that had created a brand presence around his very embodiment, it would surely have to be Martin Lindstrom. Still, given the experience -- and the expertise -- of his global wandering...

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Saul Bass | The hand work(s)

Saul Bass Saul Bass with Alfred Hitchcock on the set of "Psycho". I gave a talk for the Arizona Advertising and Marketing Association some time back, and during that presentation -- it was actually a conference -- Saul Bass was one of the co-presenters in the forum....

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TED | 2008 | Aspen (3)

what's extra? pretty much everything. some thing extra about today any : day > being in it. LIFE IS ABOUT MAKING THINGS, CREATING THINGS, BEING IN CREATIVE SPACE -- MAKING THINGS THAT CONNECT ME TO YOU. .... LIVING EVIL yesterday, I was thinking about...

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