
Martin Lindstrom

Martin Lindstrom 3.4.08 Human branding, the brand: human. If ever there was a person that had created a brand presence around his very embodiment, it would surely have to be Martin Lindstrom. Still, given the experience -- and the expertise -- of his global wandering...

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TED | 2008 | Aspen (3)

what's extra? pretty much everything. some thing extra about today any : day > being in it. LIFE IS ABOUT MAKING THINGS, CREATING THINGS, BEING IN CREATIVE SPACE -- MAKING THINGS THAT CONNECT ME TO YOU. .... LIVING EVIL yesterday, I was thinking about...

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Charles Eames

I was thinking about things floating, ideas that are on one level, then another. And that idea of the interconnection of the idea on the surface, and the idea beneath. "The details are not details. They make the product." So says, Charles Eames. So you might be...

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