
Lorenzo Villoresi | A History of Fragrance Creativity

Exploring the renaissance mind of Lorenzo Villoresi: Scholarship, legacy and the genetics of exploration -- a history of fragrance creativity. Sometimes you find a person that seems like someone you've encountered before. Perhaps in another life, another journey,...

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The Iris, the Orris Root, & Firenze

Digging iris, rooting them, I remember that, as a child -- the scent of sliced iris rhizomes, cut and seeping fragrance, as they came to the warm soil out of the cool earth beneath. There's a history of the fleur de lys and the relationship to Firenze. I'd presumed,...

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Eau D’Italie | The Scent of Blood

Exploring scent with Hoteliers and Perfumers Sebastián Alvarez Murena and Marina Sersale. Foto by Dawn Clark, AIA Imagine the idea of creating a scent that captures the spirit of your hotel. Or of your life. Your hotel: decades old - lying, heated in the brilliant...

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The Ancient Spa | Saturn, Myth, Dark to Light

Exploring brand and myth in spa positioning: Terme Di Saturnia. Where does the myth begin? Who becomes the legend -- most? Where is the brand heart genuine? Brand, mystery -- I'm wondering about mythic dimensions in brand. And when there's a cross between the concept...

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Italia | Disegno Intelligente

A Firenze, ci è una bellezza speciale nel disegno dei segni per i negozi. Ci sono gli alfabeti speciali, quello è squisito e perfino forse un piccolo sconosciuto. Ma gradico quello. È una bella cosa. E continu aare cercare più. Ma conoscete gi quello. Sto cercando...

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Firenze | What Site, Sighted?

What site, sighted? What sighting, sited? What citing, site -- in sight? There's always a sense between place, and presence and story. But the real challenge is -- who's listening? And if there's a story, then how is it told? Being here in Firenze, what I wonder about...

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Brian Eno | Ambience, Sound & Scent

Studying the world of Brian Eno: scent, strategy, music and environment in experience design and contemplation. Image Copyright, Apple Computer, Inc., © 2008, all rights reserved. "Humans are capable of a unique trick: creating realities by first imagining them, by...

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A Beautiful D I S A S T E R | NYC!

Exploring chaos and spectacle, designed events and disaster, celebration and siege. 7.4.08: Or at least, that's what it felt like, late last night, down on the waterfront, Brooklyn Bridge, with thousands of others, running, milling, surging. But with courteously neat...

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