
Milton Glaser

A voyage of inspired imagination. When you are young, you recall points of connection that are unmistakably remarkable, they are life changing -- dynamically shifting you from one point of view to another. Or, they might too suggest moments of new discovering -- that...

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Paul Farmer: as story told, life unfolds

Healing, storytelling and the wisdom of Aesculapius One would presume that physicians are storytellers -- guiding patients in transitions that are gathered from layers of experience in the sphere of living, teaching, healing, and the practice of medicine. Many are...

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Maya Lin | Wavefield at Storm King

The examination of nature, replayed in Nature All of us sense the power of the natural, when we can -- and when we have the minute to suddenly step out of the urban workworld, and settle into our place in the natural surroundings, which -- now and again -- we can...

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Stay Calm, Don’t Panic and Tread Well.

Classic British design, calmly repackaged in the face of fear. I'm sure you've seen this.  (image: Graham Turner | WWII propaganda poster, Woodbridge, UK) If you've been in London, you would've seen it there -- festooned, on the walls, an occasional tube posting....

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