
Brand adaption: US Brands | Japanese DNA

Voyages and patterns in style: Harajuku, Manga Jazz, Ivy League Preparatory -- newly vitalized in the Japanese love of the brand. When I'd travel to Japan, I'd leave on Friday, so I'd get there on Saturday, to explore the Tokyo city that night, and from the early...

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Human+Brand+Love | Michael Jackson

Loving the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. I've written about that idea of the human brand, which I might more effectively relate to the notion of the "human torch" -- a fiery inspiration. Going back, thousands of years, into the mists of proto-history, the...

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Human Brand | How about a hug?

Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times Warmth, affection, connection, community: physical social networks and emerging branding trends. It's been suggested that the phenomenon of teenagers hugging has something to do with Michelle Obama. She hugs everyone. She's even been...

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Who do you love? Google | Social Networks?

Who do you trust? Facebook search engine results? Your friend's a brand. Google has long been the apex of search mechanisms, beating out the rivals of Yahoo, and still, so too, emergent entity bing.com. But Google has its sights on the social space, such as Facebook,...

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Twitter-out | Twitter-in’

(Twitter founders: Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, Evan Williams) Jessica B. Lifland | USA TODAY Who stays, who goes? I can't push too hard on the proposition that I have anything truly ground breaking, in the context of twitterology, the new science of micro-blogging. My...

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The alphabet and the earth

Images credit The geography of the mind, mapped in place In a way, any drawing that we create, is a kind of signature. Designing is demarcation. And the origin of the alphabet, stretching back 3,500 to 4,000 years ago, to the proto-sinaitic beginnings is, in fact, a...

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