
Twitter-out | Twitter-in’

(Twitter founders: Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, Evan Williams) Jessica B. Lifland | USA TODAY Who stays, who goes? I can't push too hard on the proposition that I have anything truly ground breaking, in the context of twitterology, the new science of micro-blogging. My...

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The alphabet and the earth

Images credit The geography of the mind, mapped in place In a way, any drawing that we create, is a kind of signature. Designing is demarcation. And the origin of the alphabet, stretching back 3,500 to 4,000 years ago, to the proto-sinaitic beginnings is, in fact, a...

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Bing bada boom

Thoughts on bing, the new search engine for Microsoft Just days ago, the kick off. According to the overview from Microsoft, "the idea behind 'Manifesto' is to elicit an emotional response about a concept that is decidedly not emotional." And it's a tough call, to...

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Calvin Trimpin | Sound mage

Photograph Peter Haley ©2009 The creation of sound, in place, made Decades ago, I was both a student, then instructor at Fort Worden. There were some amazing encounters -- George Tsutakawa, Karen Guzak, Mary Ann Peters, Barbara Schwartz, Elaine DeKooning, Sam Hamill...

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Arthur Erickson | Concretions

Ricardo L. Castro, 2005. Courtesy of the Vancouver Art Gallery A passage -- the journey built -- the life's journal in design I met Arthur here, at Robson Square, decades ago, in a building of his design, while I was speaking on design, to a group of designers....

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iPhone Painting | The New Yorker

Jorge Colombo | cover illustration, the New Yorker, June 2009 Starting at the beginning, the mouse, the magic, the drawn and the digital. Of course, really, it all starts here, in drawing -- the touch of the fingers, with insight, interpretation and meditation. Then...

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When it’s rough, sex sells

Marketing sex, retail and the recession There's been a dire downturn, underlining the bleakly obvious. And it's been down for everyone -- everything -- everywhere. All markets -- and each of us -- everyone's been affected, crystallizing the clearly understated. There...

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