

I've been thinking about my path, your pathway, the wander, the wonder. And I've been contemplating that -- the journal, journey -- in the sharing community. Content, containment, contentment: found. A Wanderer stone, drawn on hardened clay, smoothed by the sea, with...

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What lies beneath

Exploring the construct of brand, community, enterprise and the work that we do. I've been a designer for a long time; and working in the creative space is in my blood. My mother was a painter, an artist in every sense of the world, the word. My father is a farmer, a...

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The Palace of Memory, the Library of the Mind

  Amazon, the mind, cloud consciousness and the making of place. Earlier in my life, I was under training, in languages (German, at the time), with Thomas Bunnell, SJ. I actually went there, with him, to a monastic seminary -- to practice and study the...

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Cumulation: Massing the principles of cumularity

Cloud mind: the metaphor of fluent vapor -- the clouded allegory in the context of computing, burgeoning creative, a multiplicity of minds: amassed. "A person using cumular language would say that a universal negative is upset not only by predication of all, but of...

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