
Ink and smoke | perfume, design, water, fluency

The stroke of ideas | calligraphy, lustration and the smoke of being. I'm contemplating the idea of the liquidity of ideas, in the animations of ink, scent, smoke and ideals. I've written about the context of this, earlier -- the notion of energy and the calligraphic,...

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BMW | The art of driving brands that are art

The wheel brandstory: art brand or brand art There's an art to brand, and brand to art -- I've noted that idea before, in the work of Koons. But this story is different -- and if you go no further, then at least look at this link: Anyone savoring the idea of sketching...

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The End of the World: 9.09.09

Marketing apocalypse, branding oblivion I've been studying some thematic elements in Russian society -- a sense of myth, Slavic legend and a kind of genetic leaning in the personality of Eastern European storytelling -- and, of course, how that relates to brand....

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