
Brand Resonance: Comfort and Cupcakes

The pursuit of comfort: contentment during uncomfortable times Working on the brand revolution of Cinnabon, our research focused on finding what was missing, in the heart of the brand, retail experience and relationship management. Actually, there wasn't any. There...

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Twittering | Black Friday | 2009

The First Twitter Christmas What happened? Less shoppers, but more money spent (than last year, surely!). By the running analyses, online, the gathered summary is that the National Retail Federation estimated that 140 million people hit the stores and shopped online...

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Art Branding: Christo and the Optimism Card

Dominic Favre/European Pressphoto Agency Examining the idea of art, branding and passage Being one that focuses the symbolic character of design, and branding, I note with sadness the passage of Jean-Claude, the long-running partner of Christo. Theirs was an especial...

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