
Fight Girls

I was talking to these girls this morning, on the way to the office — and while I couldn’t take pictures of them, since they are pitching this concept for a TV Series, I did take pictures anyway. Love those pink gloves, I sez. They weren’t doing...

Write On

There’s one thing to a pen, drawing, there’s another to a pen, writing. And being a longer term practioner who plays in both spaces — the drawing and the writing, it will be interesting to see, yet again, if this concept takes hold. Yes, me —...

TED / Day one : L O V E

Hi. A LOT of us write about the concepts of emotion in the context of the work that we do. We’d like to think that we know something about it. How you reach in there, capture that — illustrate some sensate connection by virtue of text, imagery. But what...

Heatherwick Models of Flow…NYC

SLICE CURL PEEL MELT. Thought you might enjoy this, the detailing of Thomas Heatherwick’s work on Longchamp, Soho, Manhattan. Maybe you’ve seen it, already. I was down town working, Soho, took a break, and went there: shot. Frankly, I’m actually not sure that the...

Puma Stretching Ferrari

I was working back east, around Princeton and elsewhere out there, and came to this new modeling for Puma. I really like the floors, which seem like they are made of some kind of silvery slop, hardened. And there are other really strange materials as well — spongy...

Interview Notes / Tom Kundig

How do you know Tom? I’ve known Tom since childhood, in Spokane, our families sort of connected earlier in our lives – and still have a kind of connection together, over there. Why do you think he suggested I speak to you? Being a designer, I suppose that...

Chocolate confections

There are a couple of trends that I perceive, in working in this space of consumer communications and brand representations. First, it’s clear that there are continuously emerging “new brands”, which might be “repositioned” old brands....