
the word, changed

when I draw this word in the sand, it changed with the time, the softening wind and the tides — the movement of the world changed that story told, finger in sand. And story became something wondrously new and alive — until: it vanished. “I wrote the...

I Hate Perfume

Perfume Environments: The Scent Visioning of Christopher Brosius Window display, Brosius I’d tried to link to Brosius live, but couldn’t since he was working on project, one that he was focusing on. I did see him at his shop, but held my tongue in reaching...

Speed Thrills. Slow spills.

Girvin | Delano, Miami Beach, Fl. A meditation on the concepts of speed and pace — in the relationship with anyone, anywhere, anyplace. Do you find yourself hurrying past the conversation that you’re having? Are you looking ahead, in passage against where...