by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Storytelling | Mar 25, 2013
The Tiers of Brand Experience [Image above by Dawn A. Clark] In writing messages, related to brand and brand storytelling, like any legend-telling, the process of experience will be more than one strike and stroke on the tablet of messaging. It will be layers. There...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Storytelling | Mar 22, 2013
Brand, story, object and ritual. The art of the axe, chopping wood, arranging wood, starting fires, it holds a string of stories for many. Being in Portland, a proverbial city of the Axe, has built a culture around the axe. The axe is a splitting adze, a blade that...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Cool People, Storytelling | Mar 20, 2013
The Marking of Meaning, Goodness and Brand Storytelling. We think about the idea of design as a kind of signature — with mind, motion, memory and meaning. What is design — but the sign, illustrated. And of course, to signing and illustration, that would be...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Cool People, Storytelling | Mar 8, 2013
The writing of the eternal return: the perpetual script of spinning time When you contemplate the road forward, there’s a chance to look back, the path that brought you to where you are. [image above, from] It’s difficult work, when...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Cool People, Storytelling | Mar 4, 2013
The farmer in you | II Planting the seeds of ideals, dreams, the promise in the mission of creativity I’d written a blog, just back, with meditations on the archetypal character of Dodge’s “farmer in you” advertising. Storytelling from various...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Storytelling | Feb 27, 2013
In the spirit of light, storytelling illumination. The character of what can be seen, in scene, the drama of Light. As an intensely curious person — a person that seeks out answers by finding the people that build things, do things, make things, one of my...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Storytelling | Feb 19, 2013
The Metaphor of the Deeper Storytelling in Brand, the Undercurrent of Persona; the Dodge Farmer Ad, Super Bowl The bigger allegories in archetypal positioning. Imagery, shown [above and below] from the Dodge Super Bowl ad. On Tuesday February 5th, I gave a talk on...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Cool People, Designers, Human brands, Places, Storytelling | Feb 15, 2013
The patterning of time and the Creative Journey The timing of pattern, the layering of story, the weaving of ideas, a tapestry unfurled. The work of living — is a rippling — a stone, cast, water bound, rippling, outwards. As those waves reach a shore, the...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Storytelling | Feb 13, 2013
Look, listen, study — the poetry of the birds I am watching the birds, and listening to their calls. More so, I’m watching how they watch. Normally, that’s something that I do with people — watching how they look at things. How do people see?...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Cool People, Human brands, Storytelling | Feb 8, 2013
There’s a story in the story, there’s a poem in the poem, there is a place within the place. [image: girvin | Seattle, 2012] In the realm of any study, the student realizes that there are layers to comprehension — one understands the bare facts,...