The Marks of Many | The Layering of Message

The Tiers of Brand Experience [Image above by Dawn A. Clark] In writing messages, related to brand and brand storytelling, like any legend-telling, the process of experience will be more than one strike and stroke on the tablet of messaging. It will be layers. There...

The Symbolism of the Axe

Brand, story, object and ritual. The art of the axe, chopping wood, arranging wood, starting fires, it holds a string of stories for many. Being in Portland, a proverbial city of the Axe, has built a culture around the axe. The axe is a splitting adze, a blade that...

The writing, that goes back

The writing of the eternal return: the perpetual script of spinning time When you contemplate the road forward, there’s a chance to look back, the path that brought you to where you are. [image above, from] It’s difficult work, when...

God made a farmer

The farmer in you | II Planting the seeds of ideals, dreams, the promise in the mission of creativity I’d written a blog, just back, with meditations on the archetypal character of Dodge’s “farmer in you” advertising. Storytelling from various...


In the spirit of light, storytelling illumination. The character of what can be seen, in scene, the drama of Light. As an intensely curious person — a person that seeks out answers by finding the people that build things, do things, make things, one of my...

You are a farmer

The Metaphor of the Deeper Storytelling in Brand,  the Undercurrent of Persona; the Dodge Farmer Ad, Super Bowl The bigger allegories in archetypal positioning. Imagery, shown [above and below] from the Dodge Super Bowl ad. On Tuesday February 5th, I gave a talk on...

The Raven, a telling

Look, listen, study — the poetry of the birds I am watching the birds, and listening to their calls. More so, I’m watching how they watch. Normally, that’s something that I do with people — watching how they look at things. How do people see?...