AND THE ATTENTION TO DETAIL, IN THE SPATTERING OF INSPIRATION. When I was in college, I taught workshops to help my payment of the tuition, along with support from my family. I used variously colored butcher paper to do that — pulled, ripped out and sheared on a...

The flow of Flowers

Drawing People [in] with Flowers, the Flow of Story in the Craft of Rendering Ideas In my beginnings, I drew flowers — and sold them as art pieces and gifts; then, at Christmas, I did groupings of flowers, silkscreened and signed in limited editions of...

The Wisdom of The Ancients

While I was walking in the woods, the ancient layers told me their stories. [Image above by Justin Kern, altered by Dawn Clark, AIA, LEED AP] When I was young, in NY, my parents took me to the New York City Museum of Natural History [AMNS.] This was a whim reaching to...

Brand sage

Seeking the Wisdom of The Sage, the Leader of the Brand In any journey, you’ll go further if you go to the heart, the center, the fire of the leadership chamber — it is about the path to knowledge. When you work on, or inside, a brand, when you take a...