Deep Smoke

The Design of Fragrances From The Forest Sometimes, it’s a ritual. A gathering of clans, spirits, prayers and reaching to another place, the plane of the unseen. Sometimes, it’s just fire, smoke and the vapors of translation — from woods and grasses...

We All Go That Way

Designing Signing Message Strategies: the Beginning, and the Ending, of Storytelling. Every story has a beginning, and an ending — each of us has a story, that has one beginning, and another start, and another initiation — and perhaps an ending that we all...

The Scent of a Woman, Imagined

The Imagination of Designing Fragrance Perfume is a storytelling — it’s a layering of tellings that translate to the alchemy of ingredients. Woods, resins, tinctures of flowers, aromatic leaves, natural ingredients, all combine to build a story that allows...