Notes on Apple

Randall Stross… Greetings! Nice, your work: Sunday | NYTimes | Bright ideas! | Digital Domain 5.27.07 (Randall Stross) I found your observations on Apple Store, as carefully and clinically precise in their analyses as they could hope to be, I suppose, to be...

Tom Ford – part I

I’ve been tracking Tom Ford’s work closely, from before our YSL days. I loved that work, working with you…and it was great learning more about the man, the history ( all of them ) and the characters that emerged in the brand. Not sure where...

Robert Polet | CEO | Gucci

I’ve been walking around the edge of this luxury brand, and its leadership — CEO | Robert Polet for the last several years. I’d reached here to Gucci headquarters in Paris and London, exploring the dimensions of the brand. I worked with the...


Seen this? I’ve been shooting retail and designspace for a while — and I go in… The Nokia people didn’t like me in there, too much. And I go out. And then I send this to you. I do like the sheer presence of the blue, here — especially...

DC Shoes

I keep looking around.? This is a boarding brand — boards being skate and snow. More than shoes, obviously. Their website is relatively quiet, given the more radical character of their brand. And the store | story that holds them....

Camper signatura

Istikal Caddesi / Istanbul : Camper shop.? I liked the concept of these shoes. I bought a pair, but my daughters intimate that they look like bowling shoes. Since I mostly wear black, black, and more black, with a little white thrown in, it seemed a natural. Except to...

Heatherwick Models of Flow…NYC

SLICE CURL PEEL MELT. Thought you might enjoy this, the detailing of Thomas Heatherwick’s work on Longchamp, Soho, Manhattan. Maybe you’ve seen it, already. I was down town working, Soho, took a break, and went there: shot. Frankly, I’m actually not sure that the...

Puma Stretching Ferrari

I was working back east, around Princeton and elsewhere out there, and came to this new modeling for Puma. I really like the floors, which seem like they are made of some kind of silvery slop, hardened. And there are other really strange materials as well — spongy...

Making Ballet

I spent the day with Balletmakers | Capezio the day before yesterday. It was Cristina and I. Some interviews, some research, some connections. More gathering. This will be going on for a couple of weeks, the two of us. But there were intriguing other insights into the...