by Tim Girvin | Concepts, General, Retail | Jan 20, 2008
I’ve been working on this cover design for Wired. And it will be the kind of cover design that, in some manner of streetside merchandising, will literally leap to the street. Bold. Simple. When I first got the call to do this, it was from a friend, Margaret...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, General, Luxury, Retail | Dec 27, 2007
Susan DeChillo | The New York Times I first met Steve Jobs in the 80s. Actually, it was at Stanford. He was there, speaking. And I was there, listening. Afterwards, I went up to introduce myself. And we went from there. I worked on the Macintosh launch and technology...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Cool People, Luxury, Retail, Trends | Dec 14, 2007
I’d worked for Yves Saint Laurent to explore the story in the context or retail design and brand strategy a year ago — working under the leadership of YSL President Laura Lendrum and her EVP | Retail Design, Claudia Cividino. The work was a gathering, a...
by Tim Girvin | Cool People, General, Luxury, Retail | Dec 14, 2007
I had the chance to listen to Tom Ford, and to meet him, at a CEO Summit for WWD | Beauty | Miami. Nice man. Incredibly articulate thinker, as well. And this was, formally, before the announcement of the Tom Ford brand. Shirin Von Wulffen, a person I worked with at...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, General, Luxury, Retail | Dec 13, 2007
I am looking for truth. Looking at finding truth. Looking for businesses — and people — that are about truth fullness. That the story that they tell is a robust expression of the inherent character of who they are. And in exploring that premise, I came...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, General, Marketing 2.0, Retail, Storytelling | Nov 28, 2007
This is about identity, visualizing and animation — and retail. And something I’d tried to do, but couldn’t. And someone (WOW | Tokyo) that did. My story. Their story. —- Last year, I’d worked on this idea of projecting this giant...
by Tim Girvin | General, Retail, Scent | Nov 14, 2007
There are two attributes of experience in shopping. One is purely acquisitional — that is, merely on the notion of action and purchase; there’s no focus other than that, in acting and acquiring. You are looking for something and you want it, you buy it...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Cool People, General, Luxury, Places, Retail | Nov 14, 2007
Consider this — three remarkable women, each dramatically challenged by trying health related experiences, each finding new truths in combining allopathic and naturopathic cures by exploring new models in healing — and creating a business around them. And...
by Tim Girvin | General, Interior Design, Retail, Trends | Oct 15, 2007
I’ve been studying sex. And retail. Since I was a teenager. Not necessarily in that order. Nor presumably together. But I’ve been studying them. My first exposures to the concept was as a boy scout traveling in Europe, as an early teenager. What I’d...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, General, Marketing 2.0, Retail | Jul 16, 2007
What if you could do your own thing, create a retail space of your own? I’ve thought about that idea, doing just that — maybe in retirement, whenever that might be. Tim’s stuff. And a lot of that there is. But then there’s kiosk. Soho, NYC. I...